Friday, September 16, 2022

Book 36 Finding Home Again


Finding Home Again by Darlene Fredette fulfilled the category “Book that takes Place During my Favorite Season” for the PopSugar 2022 Reading Challenge. I’m a fall girl through and through. The cool, crisp weather, the start of school, and Halloween thrill me to no end. I’m not a fanatic about any one thing. I love it all.

Finding Home Again takes us to Redford Falls, Nova Scotia, as the leaves are turning. Jordan McKenzie is working for her friend, Pearl Foster, in her large home as a helper. They do not reveal immediately the exact nature of her job, as she and Pearl have cooked up a plan to solve some past issues. 

Together, they are converting the friend’s home into a bed-and-breakfast. Pearl’s family believes the two are restoring the building to its former glory. The transformation is part of Pearl’s big plan for her siblings, Jordan, and her town. Jordan plans to help run the place for Pearl. They’ve told Pearl’s kin and the community that the woman suffered from a life-threatening heart attract. Pearl hides, as she is supposed to be in intensive care. 

As the book unfolds, we learn Pearl has a mystery from the past she needs to solve. She further wants to correct some wrongs with her nephew. Jordan gets caught in the middle. And there she  discovers truths from her history and the possibility of a new future. 

Okay, “caught in the middle” is an understatement. The poor woman becomes the target of an assassin! Well, more like a person trying to hide their past. Jordan’s dog is kidnapped, and she is almost poisoned. (Though we find out later that it was an accident.)

The family returning for the reunion each have their own issues to deal with. Logan Crane, our hero, wishes to reconnect with his aunt after a painful parting. He and Jordan begin a romance that is fueled by all the drama and danger happening around the inn. Logan learns the truth about his relationship with Pearl and realizes his dreams of owning an architecture firm might not really be what he wants. 

Finding Home Again is the fifth book in the Redford Falls series. I read the title as a standalone. It was great all by itself. I mean, honestly, I do not know how Ms. Fredette wrote a romantic mystery with elements of women’s fiction and family drama in only 162 pages. The book had it all. The story was concise and wanted for nothing. If the rest of the series is anything like this one, I need to grab them ASAP.

I give Finding Home Again by Darlene Fredette Five Husky Puppies (because we all deserve puppies).




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