Friday, December 16, 2022

Book 49 Sweet Tidings


Sweet Tidings by Jean C Gordon fulfilled the category “A Different Book by an Author You Read in 2021” for the PopSugar 2022 Reading Challenge. Last year, I read Sweet Horizons and Sweet Entanglement by Ms. Gordon. I love her Indigo Bay books.

Sweet Tiding is a holiday book which is why I left it for this week. The new mayor of Indigo Bay, Amanda Strickland, is looking for a perfect holiday for her small coastal town. She’s got all the decorations and activities planned. She wants splash and excitement for her gala and fundraiser. She enlists her friend, Eric Slade, a Hollywood hunk.

The two opt to create a pretend romance to generate a stir in the small town of Indigo Bay. Eric’s star power and the hint of a new relationship have the press all in a tizzy. But what happens when they both start to feel something but are afraid to tell the other? When the romance starts to become real, neither is ready to hold their heart out, regardless of the Christmas cheer.

I love a friends-to-lovers romance. The story is complicated by image. Eric must maintain his super cool actor mode, and Amanda feels she should be the soul of professionalism as the mayor. It doesn’t help that Eric is dealing with his estranged son and a costar who’s a little publicity crazy. The small-town setting helps create a cozy atmosphere for these two unlikely people to come together. I got such warm fuzzies from this book!

Ms. Gordon has several other books in the Indigo Bay series. Well, it’s not just a series. It’s almost an imprint. Various authors have come together to create these wonderful stories in a coastal town. Series are usually six to twelve books. You can grab the original Indigo Bay Sweet Romances, Indigo Bay Christmas, or Indigo Bay Second Chance Romances. All are sweet, beach reads. Perfect for a getaway this winter. Plus, you have time before the holidays to grab all six Christmas stories.

I give Sweet Tidings by Jean C Gordon Five Sets of Holiday Lights—the twinkly kind.


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