Friday, December 30, 2022

2022 Year End Roundup


Ah, my friends, we have reached another year’s end. We’ve shared fifty books over 52 weeks. Phew, I’m tired.

Last year, in my final last post, I spoke about all my “extra” reads for the challenge. In 2022, I read many, many more books than our fifty. I’d need half-a-dozen posts to share them all. Instead, I made another List Challenge to show off my reading prowess (or I’m just bragging big time.) My favorite book by far was Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Wow, what a terrific book. I think my least favorite (that I actually finished) was Wolf Flow. It was… odd. Anyway, I had a great reading year.

Here’s a link to the blog if you want to recheck any of my reviews.

Here’s a link to the original picks I had last January. Boy, was I ambitious! Can you beat my score of 64?

Here are all the books I read for the Challenge (including some doubled prompts).

Here are all the titles I read for the entire year.

So next year…

I wanted to announce now that I will not be doing the PopSugar challenge next year. One prompt for 2023 upset me. Category 10 was “A Romance with a Fat Lead.” OMG, no, thank you. My daughter says I need to be more woke, and we are taking the word back. But I’m not ready to accept that word as complimentary, unoffensive, and something I might call myself. No thanks.

I’ll also mention that the list for 2023 had more than one repeat from another year (6 of them). Several prompts were almost the same as another (“Book Published the Year You Were Born” and “Book Published the Decade You Were Born.” Also, “Book Published in the Spring of 2023” and “Book Published in the Fall of 2023.”)

Instead, I’m changing challenges and formats. I plan to try the “52 Book Club” challenge. These prompts will bring fun titles.

About the format for my reading blog… I love you, my faithful reader, but I can’t blog every week anymore. It’s becoming too much to write 500 words each week, plus reading the book, plus writing and editing novels, oh and my Apps for Writers blog, too. Instead, I’ll post at the end of the month with a summary of my books. I hope you’ll still follow me on this fantastic book journey.


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2022 Year End Roundup

  Ah, my friends, we have reached another year’s end. We’ve shared fifty books over 52 weeks. Phew, I’m tired. Last year, in my final last...