Friday, February 18, 2022

Book 6 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab fulfilled the category “Book with a Constellation on the Cover or in the Title” for the PopSugar 2022 Reading Challenge. Again, I read multiple books for the category. I can’t seem to help myself.

I read the wonderful, enlightening, beautiful novel Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. The story had so much fantastic teenage angst and drama. The characters were real, and as teens, both lovable and frustrating. I enjoyed every moment of this story.


There’s no constellation on the cover. There are stars, but nothing specific. Therefore, it did not fit the category.


Go read it, anyway. It’s a lovely tale of two lonely soles realizing they love each other.

Instead, I grabbed The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I’d originally chosen this title as a BookTok recommendation. The main character has an actual constellation of freckles on her nose. So it seemed fitting. Addie LaRue wishes to escape her predictable, dictated life and be free to live as she chooses. Unfortunately, the wrong god grants her wish. Instead of freedom, she is cursed. Now she can live any way she chooses, forever. The only problem is no one remembers her.


Others forget her as soon as they leave the room. Addie has no way of making a mark on the world, nor being a part of anyone’s life. Good thing she’s smart and clever and discovers loopholes in her curse. For hundreds of years, Addie finds a way to get her image into art or re-meet and fall in love with people. Until the one day, a boy remembers her, and her entire universe changes.

It’s a good thing Addie is the stubbornest character I’ve ever met. She uses her sheer force of will to get her through these long years and never gives up or submits to the dark god. She works, plays, and lives. Which was the point of her wish—to live. Could you imagine a life where no one knew you? Where you couldn’t write or draw? Where the same people you see every day have no recollection of you? I’d go mad in about two weeks!

I won’t spoil the ending, though I’ll mention it’s not a romance. And you all know what that means. BUT the ending is great and satisfying.

My only complaint about the book is about its structure. Ms. Schwab takes a very long time to tell the tale. In the middle of the novel, we switch to Henry’s story. I have no problem with bringing in new characters, into hearing their story, but 200 pages in? I feel like much of the beginning of the book is backstory. But that’s just me.

I give The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab Five Renaissance Paintings with a particular girl in the background.


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