Friday, January 7, 2022

The 2022 PopSugar Challenge



It’s that time again—a new year and a new challenge. The PopSugar Reading Challenge for 2022 looks amazing. Again, the list dropped on December 1st. As I had finished the 2021 challenge, I jumped into the new one immediately.

I wanted to be prepared, especially with all the trouble I had last January finding books to blog. I’m not ashamed to announce I’ve already read thirteen books for this year’s challenge. (Only one ended up being a double, so far.)

Here’s the list for 2022’s challenge. (You can see why I ran with it!)

Basic Challenge:

  • A book published in 2022
  • A book set on an airplane, train, or cruise ship
  • A book about or set in a non-patriarchal society
  • A book with a tiger on the cover or “tiger” in the title
  • A sapphic book
  • A book by a Latinx author
  • A book with an onomatopoeia in the title
  • A book with a protagonist who uses a mobility aid
  • A book about a “Found Family”
  • An Anisfield-Wolf Book Award winner
  • A #BookTok recommendation
  • A book about the afterlife
  • A book set in the 1980s
  • A book with cutlery on the cover or in the title
  • A book by a Pacific Islander author
  • A book about witches
  • A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2022
  • A romance novel by a BIPOC author
  • A book that takes place during your favorite season
  • A book whose title begins with the last letter of your previous read
  • A book about a band or a musical group
  • A book with a character on the ace spectrum
  • A book with a recipe in it
  • A book you can read in one sitting
  • A book about a secret
  • A book with a misleading title
  • A Hugo Award winner
  • A book set during a holiday
  • A different book by an author you read in 2021
  • A book featuring a man-made disaster
  • A book with the name of a board game in the title
  • A book with a quote from your favorite author on the cover or Amazon page
  • A social-horror book
  • A book set in Victorian times
  • A book with a constellation on the cover or in the title
  • A book you know nothing about
  • A book about gender identity
  • A book featuring a party
  • An #OwnVoices SFF (science fiction and fantasy) book
  • A book that fulfills your favorite prompt for a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

Advanced Challenge:

  • A book with a reflected image on the cover or “mirror” in the title
  • A book that features two languages
  • A book with a palindromic title
  • A duology (1)
  • A duology (2)
  • A book about someone leading a double life
  • A book featuring a parallel reality
  • A book with two POVs
  • Two books set in twin towns, aka “sister cities” (1)
  • Two books set in twin towns, aka “sister cities” (2)

And you know how I’m an overachiever. I could not pick just one or two books for each prompt. I ended up giving myself three choices for each category. They all look delicious. Check out my List Challenge here for the new choices. Who’s with me?




  1. This looks like fun. How does it work? A book a week or just as many as you can finish?

    1. It's totally self driven. You read as many as you want at whatever speed. I blog one book a week. I love choosing books to fit these categories!

  2. I want to do this - how do I do this?

    1. This is Karla Buettner. Not sure why it won't show that!

    2. Hi Karla! Usually the box to reply in has a "Reply as" option at that bottom.
      Anyway, the challenge here is like NaNo. You just do it yourself and read and read and read. I can send you a checklist of the categories. Also, there's a nice FB group too!

  3. Here's a link to the printable version of the challenge.
    Here's a link to the Facebook group:
    And here's the Goodreads group


2022 Year End Roundup

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